Jun 26, 2019 | Non-Profits
Originally posted on Financial Express by Sudhair Chowdhary. Three well-known non-profits—Save the Children, Tata Trusts and HelpAge—are leveraging modern technology to get more meaningful insights and improve the delivery of their services Philanthropy is ingrained...
Mar 20, 2019 | Non-Profits
Technology no longer feels out of place at nonprofits but it remains poorly resourced despite staff being eager to increase digital skills, according to a new research paper out today. Technology no longer feels out of place at nonprofits but it remains poorly...
Jan 30, 2019 | Non-Profits
Data and analytics can play a big role in improving nonprofit strategy. It usually doesn’t though, and that’s because most nonprofits are using their data wrong. It’s time we had a little talk about strategic objects. Think about the last strategy meeting you...