Sep 19, 2018 | Non-Profits
Are you finding it harder to get volunteers these days? Why not use Facebook? That’s what one Wild Apricot customer, Patty Foley, the Membership Chairperson of Newington Community Television, did to find her latest volunteer. She posted her request for new volunteers...
Jul 20, 2018 | Insurance, Non-Profits
The most beautiful email marketing campaigns are worth little if your audience never gets to see them. Even though email continues to rank among the most effective digital marketing tools available, that statistic can only benefit your organization if your messages...
Jul 17, 2018 | Non-Profits
Can an established nonprofit still be innovative? It’s a question that any “blue chip” company has to be ready to respond “yes” to in order to ensure continued growth. So if being innovative is viewed as being critical to a for-profit company’s success, why wouldn’t...
Jul 6, 2018 | Non-Profits
As someone who volunteers and sits on a number of boards for nonprofits, it is my goal to add value and make an impact by curating thoughtful discourse, making connections or volunteering for events. Inevitably, however, I am asked to do the one thing I dislike most....