Jul 10, 2019 | Non-Profits
Originally posted on GuideStar by Amy Eisenstein. It’s hard to believe that in 2019 we are still talking about closing the gender gap, but we are, and we must continue to talk about it until it’s closed for good. In January 2019, AFP (Association of Fundraising...
Jun 26, 2019 | Non-Profits
Originally posted on Financial Express by Sudhair Chowdhary. Three well-known non-profits—Save the Children, Tata Trusts and HelpAge—are leveraging modern technology to get more meaningful insights and improve the delivery of their services Philanthropy is ingrained...
Jun 5, 2019 | Non-Profits
Ask yourself if your nonprofit is really making an impact and if anyone actually knows. For example, in 2010, when the devastating 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, killing more than 200,000 people and the world responded. Over the course of two years, international...
Mar 27, 2019 | Non-Profits
Are your development operations set up for success? Is the program team at war with development? Does communications get treated like a service fulfillment department by everyone else? Are major gifts and direct mail fighting over donors or who gets credit? Are...
Jan 9, 2019 | Non-Profits
The success of a nonprofit hinges on several factors. Expenses must be managed. Staff must be able to work effectively and promote the organization’s mission. And you need the right board of directors that can provide more than just financial support. Choosing the...