
Training Presentations & Videos

Florida Insurance Trust is pleased to offer free training webinars and other informative presentations downloads, and videos. If you are interested in learning more about other services, including specialty loss control consultative service please submit your request

Tips to Avoiding Wage & Hour Liability


Tips to Avoiding Wage & Hour Liability

Brian Koji of Allen Norton & Blue, P.A.

Date:  January 16, 2020

Running Time:  1 hour, 14 minutes

Synopsis:  This webinar aims to provide valuable information for nonprofit leaders on how to best avoid wage and hourly liability. Viewers are also introduced to Brian Koji, FIT’s newest HR Hotline provider.

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Medical Marijuana in the Workplace


Medical Marijuana in the Workplace;

Derrick E. Cox of Florida’s Hurley, Rogner, Miller, Cox & Waranch, P.A.

Date:  July 18th, 2019

Running Time:  1 Hour

Synopsis:  A discussion of medical marijuana’s impact on the workplace and how your organization can navigate the fairly new medical solution.

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Situational Awareness & Active Shooter Precautions


 Situational Awareness & Active Shooter Precautions;

Officer Richard Patterson and Officer Ed Rosado of the Orlando Police Department

FIT Coverages for Active Shooter;

Travis Childers, Business Development Director, and Hasib Bangloria, Executive Vice President

Date:  March 13th, 2019

Running Time:  1 Hour

Synopsis:  A discussion of Situational Awareness as it relates to Active Shooter Precautions, along with discussion of Active Shooter coverage under FIT. 

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Perfecting Grant Writing


Jennifer Lister, Vice President, Risk Management & Claim Advocacy, Florida Insurance Trust

Kate Martin, Rollins College Edyth Bush Institute Instructor  

Date:  December 6th, 2018

Running Time:  45 Minutes

Synopsis:  A discussion on perfecting grant writing with tips and tricks on how to improve the writing process and it’s development.

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Hurricane Preparedness


Jennifer Lister, Vice President, Risk Management & Claim Advocacy, Florida Insurance Trust
Tony Ettore , Disaster Strategies & Ideas Group, LLC
Date: May 17th, 2018
Running Time: 45 Minutes
Synopsis: Discuss the Disaster Process, Public Assistance, and Suggestions for an Effective Recovery.

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Risk Management Tools & Training

Jennifer Lister, Claims and Loss Control Director, Florida Insurance Trust
Monica Lessnau, Senior Account Executive, SafetyFirst

Date:  June 29th, 2017
Running Time:  45 Minutes
Synopsis:  Demonstration of FIT’s Website & FIT’s Free Resources for Members, along with a Demonstration of Safety First and its offerings.

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State of the Market Workers’ Compensation


Hasib Bangloria,Executive Vice President, Ballator Insurance Group .
Berta Fandiño, Partner at Fandiño & Carballo, P.A

Date:  February 15th, 2017
Running Time:  59 Minutes
Synopsis:  The Presentation provides the current State of the Market for Workers Compensation, and the repercussions of the recent Supreme Court decisions in Workers’ Compensation.

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Inspection Location 1

Inspection Location 2

Inspection Location 3

Risk Control Services

Free of Charge

Power Point Presentations Training Materials:

Risk Control Services

*Costs may be Associated with certain items