Mar 20, 2018 | Blog All, Non-Profits
Parents can influence their children while they live in the same household, the kids carrying the behavior into adulthood. While daughters are absorbing philanthropy lessons more quickly than sons, neither match what their parents did when it comes to charitable...
Feb 19, 2018 | Blog All, Non-Profits
The Florida Goodwill Association was formed to: To speak with one voice to advocate for services to meet the needs of people with barriers to employment while concurrently strengthening families and communities; the association will raise funds to best meet these...
Feb 14, 2018 | Blog All, Workers Comp
No. 10: Job accommodation Job accommodation silos within companies reside in multiple return-to-work (RTW) policies, both formal and informal. Return to work is not a workers’ compensation issue, alone. The issue is inconsistent job accommodations across...
Jan 29, 2018 | Blog All, Cyber Risks
“Physician, heal thyself” is an expression that many people use to criticize a lack of standards among groups or organizations that are charged with enforcing those same standards among others. And a paraphrase that applies to the insurance business is “insurer,...
Dec 15, 2017 | Blog All, Non-Profits
ABOUT THE FLORIDA COUNCIL FOR COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH The Florida Council for Community Mental Health (FCCMH) is a statewide association of 50+ community-based mental health and substance abuse agencies. The association’s membership includes a number of agencies...